
Le blog de Keyvan Nilforoushan

Archive for the month “July, 2005”

Lessons learned

I just discovered a wonderful lesson in self-awareness on Bessemer Venture Partners web site : their anti-portfolio. All the great companies they could have invested in – but didn’t.

I guess any venture fund is bound to have such missed opportunities. Not every fund, however, will reflect on them with as much humour :

Our reasons for passing on these investments varied. In some cases, we were making a conscious act of generosity to another, younger venture firm, down on their luck, whom we felt could really use a billion dollars in gains. […]

Whatever the reason, we would like to honor these companies — our “anti-portfolio” — whose phenomenal success inspires us in our ongoing endeavors to build growing businesses.

(via : Who has time for this ?)

Le premier employeur américain

N’est pas celui que l’on croit.

724 000 américains déclarent utiliser ebay comme source principale ou secondaire de revenus. S’y ajoutent 1,5 millions de personnes supplémentaires pour qui il s’agit d’un complément de revenus.

A titre de comparaison, Walmart compte 1,1 million de salariés. Cela m’intéresserait de voir une comparaison des revenus moyens générés par les deux entreprises…

(Source : ACNielsen, via Jeff Jarvis)

Outstanding marketing

J’avais déjà parlé de la qualité notre fournisseur de Microsoft Exchange en ASP, mi8.

Voici un email que je viens de recevoir de leur part.

Coût : 0

Impact sur leur relation clients : énorme.

Dear Mi8 Client:

Mi8 is searching for a consultant to assist us with the selection and deployment of a new document management system, to manage Mi8’s growing library of controlled documentation […]

As an Mi8 client, your company will receive preferred status in the bidding process for this design and deployment project. […]

If your company does not have expertise in this area, we apologize for the intrusion. We simply want to give preference to our clients when it comes to bidding for Mi8 business.

To all, thank you for your ongoing patronage of Mi8, and if we can assist you in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Mi8 Management Team

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